Emperor Ivan II Viktor has no natural descendants, and he was abdicated from the Imperial throne and
the House of Lords nominate Baron Robert von Lothringen, Prime Minister of Thrace, for new Emperor;
the Parliament of Thrace hereby:
1. Admits Baron Robert von Lothringen for the NEW EMPEROR OF THRACE
It grants the under mentioned Title to the new emperor:
His Imperial Majesty, Viktor the First Aleksandr, by the
Grace of God and the Acclamation of the People, Emperor of Thrace, Grand Duke of Dacia, Moesia, Macedonia, Count of
Panonia, Baron of Dardania, Eternal Defender of the Faith, Head of the Imperial House of ….
Let the present statute be reflected in imperial web-address
His Majesty's Declaration of Abdication Act (2006)
An Act to
give effect to His Majesty's declaration of abdication; and for purposes connected therewith.
Whereas His Majesty
by His Imperial Message of the 30 day of December in this past year has been pleased to declare that He is irrevocably determined
to renounce the Throne for Himself and has for that purpose executed the Instrument of Abdication set out in the Schedule
to this Act, and has signified His desire that effect thereto should be given immediately:
Be it therefore enacted
by the Emperor's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons,
in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—
1. Immediately upon the
Imperial Assent being signified to this Act the Instrument of Abdication executed by His present Majesty on 30 day of December
2006, set out in the Schedule to this Act, shall have effect, and therupon His Majesty shall cease to be Emperor and there
shall be a demise of the Crown, and accordingly the member of the Royal Family then next in succession to the Throne shall
succeed thereto and to all the rights, privileges, and dignities thereunto belonging.
His Majesty, His issue, if any,
and the descendants of that issue, shall not after His Majesty's abdication have any right, title or interest in or to the
succession to the Throne, and section one of the Act of Settlement shall be construed accordingly.
In conclusion
the parliament indicates following :
The House of the Lords indicates about a successor of the throne Baron Robert
von Lothringen, the Prime Minister of the Empire
With this decision the parliament finds the following inaccuracies:
2.) The person of the Emperor is inviolable and is not subject
to responsibility. His ministers are responsible.
9.) The Emperor shall appoint and dismiss members of the government
on the advice of the Prime Minister.
1.) The Executive Power
shall be vested in a Prime Minister and a Cabinet of Ministers.
2.) The Emperor appoints The Prime Minister. The Prime
Minister, as Head of Government shall be elected from the party-in-majority, or in the event a party possesses a plurality
and subsequently forms a governing coalition, the Prime Minister shall come from the majority member within that coalition. 3.)
The Prime Minister may recommend to the Emperor the appointment or dismissal of ministers to head each department within the
Government bureaucracy.
Because the parliament doesn't approve the absolutism and Thrace must stay
a constitutional monarchy, the House of the Lords and the House of the Deputies make the under mentioned decision on the issue:
the said heir presumptive of the throne Baron Robert von Lothringen, the Prime Minister of the Empire, agrees to be
the new emperor, He immediately has to leave the prime minister's position!
Baron Robert von Lothringen, the
Prime Minister of the Empire must take the decision in 3 days after publishing the present statute.
It must appoint
a deputy on the prime minister post, form the members of the Imperial Government.
In impossibility deputy is being
6.) In the event of the resignation, death, or permanent
incapacitation of the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Parliament shall assume the role of Prime Minister until the next
scheduled election.
I, Ivan the Second Viktor, of Thrace, Dacia, Moesia, Macedonia,
Paionia, Dardania, do hereby declare My irrevocable determination to renounce the Throne for Myself and My desire that effect
should be given to this Instrument of Abdication immediately.
In token whereof I have hereunto set My hand this
30 day of December, 2006, in the presence of the witnesses whose signatures are subscribed
This Act may be cited as His Majesty's Declaration of Abdication Act,
This Act is approved by the two houses of the parliament with broad majority. The act is observed
from the constitution and is wholly allied with her.
Act Establishing the Coronation Oath
Whereas by the law and ancient usage of this Empire, the
Emperors and Empresses thereof have taken a solemn oath upon the Evangelists at their respective coronations, to maintain
the statutes, laws, and customs of the said Empire, and all the people and inhabitants thereof, in their spiritual and civil
rights and properties: but forasmuch as the oath itself on such occasion administered, hath heretofore been framed in doubtful
words and expressions, with relation to ancient laws and constitutions at this time unknown: to the end therefore that one
uniform oath may be in all times to come taken by the Emperors and Empresses of this Empire, and to them respectively administered
at the times of their and every of their coronation: may it please your Majesties that it may be enacted:
II. And
be it enacted by the Emperor's and Empresses most excellent majesties, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual
and Temporal, and the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the oath herein
mentioned, and hereafter expressed, shall and may be administered to their most excellent majesties Emperor ______(name)_______
and Empresses ______(name)____ (whom God long preserve) at the time of their coronation, in the presence of all persons that
shall be then and there present at the solemnizing thereof, by the Archbishop of Thrace, or the Archbishop of Moesia, or either
of them, or any other bishop of this Empire, whom the Emperor's majesty shall thereunto appoint, and who shall be hereby thereunto
respectively authorized; which oath followed, and shall be administered in this manner; that is to say,
III. The archbishop
of bishop shall say, "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of this Empire of Thrace, and the provinces
thereto belonging, according to the statutes in Parliament agreed on, and the laws and customs of the same?" The Emperor
and Empresses shall say, "I solemnly promise so to do." Archbishop or bishop, "Will you to your power
cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments?" Emperor and Empresses, "I will.”
Archbishop or bishop, "Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God, the true profession of
the gospel and the Protestant reformed religion established by law, and will you preserve unto the bishops and clergy of this
Empire, and to the churches committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto
them, or any of them?" Emperor and Empresses, "All this I promise to do." After this, the Emperor
and Empresses laying his and her hand upon the holy Gospels shall say, Emperor and Empresses, "The things which
I have here before promised, I will perform and keep: So help me God." Then the Emperor and Empresses shall kiss
the book.
IV. And be it enacted, That the said oath shall be in like manner administered to every Emperor and Empresses,
who shall succeed to the imperial crown of this Empire, at their respective coronations, by one of the archbishops or bishops
of this Empire of Thrace, for the time being, to be thereunto appointed by such Emperor or Empresses respectively, and in
the presence of all persons that shall be attending, assisting, or otherwise present at such their respective coronations;
any law, statute, or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
Section 1 [Imperial Line] The Throne shall be inherited
by the descendants of Emperor _(name)_ and Empress _(name)_.
Section 2 [Son or Daughter] (1) On the demise
of an Emperor the Throne shall pass to his son or daughter so that a son shall take precedence of a daughter, and where there
are several children of the same sex the eldest child shall take precedence of a younger child. (2) Where one of the Emperor's
children has died the issue of the deceased shall take his place in accordance with the lineal descent and the rules laid
down in Subsection (1).
Section 3 [Brother or Sister] (1) On the demise of a Emperor who has left no issue
entitled to succeed to the Throne, the Throne shall pass to his brother or sister with preference for the brother. (2)
Where the Emperor has one or more brothers or one or more sisters, or where any of his brothers or sisters have died, the
rules of Section 2 shall apply correspondingly.
Section 4 [Nearest Collateral Line] Where there is no person
entitled to succeed to the Throne under the rules of Sections 2 and 3, the Throne shall pass to the then nearest collateral
line of the descendants of Emperor ___(name)____ and Empress ____(name)____. in accordance with the lineal descent, and with
preference correspondingly for men over women, and for the elder over the younger as laid down in Sections 2 and 3.
5 [Exclusion of Illegitimate Successors] (1) Only children born of lawful marriage shall be entitled to succeed to
the Throne. (2) The Emperor shall not enter into marriage without the consent of the Parliament. (3) Where a person
entitled to succeed to the Throne enters into marriage without the consent of the Emperor given in the Council of State, the
person in question shall forfeit his right of succession to the Throne for himself and the children born of the marriage and
for their issue.
Section 6 [Abdication of a Emperor] The provisions of Sections 2-5 shall apply correspondingly
in the case of the abdication of a Emperor.
Section 7 [Adoption with Constitution] This Act shall come into
operation at the same time as the Constitution of the Empire of Thrace Act
The Prime Minister's Office and sponsors of this Proposal now propose that Article VII be amended
to read as follows:
1.) The Legislative Power shall be vested in a Bicameral Parliament
composed of two Houses. The two Houses of Parliament shall be the House of Lords, the upper house, and the House of Deputies,
the lower house. Members of the House of Lords shall be composed of the adult nobility of the Empire. Members of the House
of Deputies shall be composed of citizens elected by popular vote who shall sit in Parliament for a period of one year. Parliamentary
elections for the House of Deputies shall be held yearly. 2.) The Parliament enacts the laws, determines taxes and decides
how public funds shall be used, and shall use all means necessary and proper to do so. 3.) All treaties and foreign agreements
must receive the endorsement of the Parliament in order to be valid and binding. 4.) All legislative bills, except matters
discussed in Clause 6 of this Article, must be approved by both Houses of Parliament before they can be submitted to the Crown
for the Imperial Assent. Bills approved only by one House cannot be enacted into law nor submitted to the Emperor or Prime
Minister. 5.) The House of Deputies shall elect a Speaker from among it’s members to preside over each session. The
House of Lords shall elect a Lord Chamberlain to preside over each session of the House of Lords. When both Houses meet together
in joint session they shall be presided over by the Prime Minister. 6.) Parliament may implement its own rules, and in
the event the expulsion of a member is necessary, it shall be done by a two-thirds vote of the body. 7.) Legislation must
be passed and approved by both Houses of Parliament before being presented to the Crown for acceptance or veto. Legislation
approved by only one House of Parliament cannot be presented to the Crown nor become law. 8.) Bills passed by the Houses
of Parliament shall first be presented to the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister approves the legislation he/she will then
present it to the Emperor for final approval and enactment as law or Imperial veto. The Prime Minister shall provide recommendations
to the Emperor regarding the proposed legislation suggesting that the Emperor approve or disapprove of the legislation. If
the Prime Minister rejects the proposed legislation then the proposal shall be sent back to Parliament with a statement from
the Prime Minister reflecting his/her reasons for rejection and his/her recommendations for changes. Parliament may then amend
the proposed legislation, approve it by another majority vote, and send the amended proposal back to the Prime Minister for
consideration and forwarding to the Emperor. 9.) At any point when the Prime Minister feels the Parliament is ineffective
in it's duties he may suspend all actions of Parliament and request that the Emperor call for new elections. 10.) Each
member in the House of Deputies shall cast one vote including the Prime Minister. 11.) In the House of Lords each Lord
may cast only one vote including the Emperor. 12.) Only members of Parliament may propose legislative bills to the Houses
of Parliament. Citizens who wish to see legislation proposed must do so through their elected representative in the House
of Deputies. 14.) Nobility who wish to propose new legislation must initiate such action through the House of Lords. 15.)
Bills that originate in the House of Lords and which are passed by the House of Lords must then be sent to the House of Deputies
for approval or disapproval. Bills that originate in the House of Deputies and which are passed by the House of Deputies must
then be sent to the House of Lords for approval or disapproval. In any case, both Houses of Parliament must approve an action
or proposal before being presented to the Prime Minister. Bills that have not been approved by both Houses shall be automatically
rejected by the Prime Minister and shall not be presented to the Emperor. 16.) The Emperor or Prime Minister may propose
bills in either or both Houses of Parliament for consideration and vote. Nobility must propose bills in the House of Lords.
Members of the House of Deputies must propose bills in the House of Deputies.
Published 17 July 2006
It has pleased His Imperial Majesty to declare that the following laws shall lay the foundations
of royalty, peerage, and knighthood in Thrace.
1. Royalty. The royalty of the Empire consists of the Emperor,
those members of his family he designates as royalty, and peers of princely rank.
2. Peerage. Peers are those
persons who have been ennobled by the Emperor in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the arts and sciences, or
in statecraft, or in recognition of their outstanding support of the Emperor and his government.
3. Ranks.
The ranks of peerage are, in order of descending precedence, Primicerius Prima, Primicerius, Allagator, Despotes, Legatus,
Logothetes, Protovestiarius, Baron / Baroness /, Duke, Count / Countess /
4. Knighthood. Knighthood is granted
by the Emperor alone, or by those persons who hold a charter from the Emperor granting them this authority.
5. Termination
of knighthood. Knighthoods may be terminated at the displeasure of the authority which granted them.
This edict
The Emperor
In goodwill and will of people Emperor of all Thrace, protector of the faith, great duke of
Sliven, great baron of Nova Zagora
Published 22 July 2006
Counterterrorism Initiative
An Imperial Decree to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.
Homeland and International Security
Strength: Significant
Description: BELIEVING that the deliberate
killing and maiming of innocent civilians by terrorists is a despicable and heinous crime;
CONVINCED that terrorism
that is conducted, instigated, supported or aided across national borders is a valid and critical concern of the international
FURTHER CONVINCED that concerted international action is required to stem this menace, and;
that terrorism conducted by or on behalf of recognized governments is a complex issue best addressed by separate legislation
related to the laws of war,
The Emperor
1. DEFINES, for the purposes of this resolution, terrorism as
the use or threatened use of violence by persons or organizations other than national governments for the purpose of achieving
political, religious or ideological goals by primarily and deliberately targeting members of the civilian population;
DEFINES, for the purposes of this resolution, a civilian as a person who is (1) not a member of a military, paramilitary or
law-enforcement organization of a nation, or (2) a member of such an organization, but not under arms or performing military
duties or functions;
3. DEFINES, for the purpose of this resolution, international terrorism as terrorism that is
conducted, instigated, aided, or abetted by persons or groups from outside the borders of the nation in which it takes place;
4. CONDEMNS all acts of international terrorism;
5. DECLARES that every state has a duty to refrain from organizing,
assisting or participating in international terrorism or acquiescing in activities within its territory which further such
6. MANDATES that all member states of the Empire shall:
A. Criminalize and suppress the financing, solicitation
of, planning, preparation for, aiding, and perpetration of international terrorism;
B. Freeze, without unnecessary
delay, funds and other assets of persons who commit, conspire to commit, or demonstrably intend to commit or facilitate the
commission of international terrorist acts, of entities owned or controlled directly or indirectly by such persons, and of
persons and entities acting on behalf of or at their direction in this regard. Nations shall develop legal mechanisms to ensure
that proper due process is provided in such cases where appropriate, but shall ensure that action is taken quickly enough
to prevent removal of liquid assets from their jurisdictions.
C. Refrain from providing any form of support, active
or passive, to entities or persons participating in international terrorism;
D. Deny, to the best of their ability,
safe haven or refuge to those who finance, organize, support or engage in international terrorism;
E. Afford one another
the greatest practicable assistance in connection with criminal investigations and legal proceedings related to international
7. URGES all member states to cooperate in suppressing international terrorism and in taking action against
it though administrative and judicial means and the exchange of intelligence, especially regarding the actions and movements
of international terrorists, the use of forged or falsified travel documents, the use of communications technologies by international
terrorists, and traffic in arms, explosives, or other sensitive materials – particularly weapons of mass destruction
– by international terrorists.
8. SUPPORTS the commitment to address significant causes of terrorism, such as
poverty, inadequate education, etc.
The Emperor In goodwill and will of people Emperor of all Thrace, protector of the faith, great duke of Sliven,
great baron of Nova Zagora